Jumat, 26 November 2010


  1. Wow, Ada Camera di Otak Manusia

Sesuaikan ukuran huruf: Perkecil font Perbesar font
foto berita artikelSebuah kamera kecil telah diimplantasikan ke bagian belakang kepala seorang professor New York University. Artis visual tersebut bernama Wafaa Bilal yang telah menjalani operasi atas project yang diberi nama "The 3rd I”tersebut, khusus untuk pembukaan museum di Qatar, 30 Desember mendatang.
Professor asal Iraq tersebut akan mengenakan camera di kepalanya selama setahun dan akan menangkap image dalam interval 1 menit, kemudian ditransmisikan untuk memonitor museum tersebut. Ia mengatakan project ini akan diresmikan tanggal 15 Desember di museum itu.
NYU sendiri sangat peduli dengan sebuah artwork yang dapat memberikan pengetahuan untuk siswanya.


Umpan balik merupakan sebuah proses di kelas yang telah menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi para peneliti praktik pembelajaran sejak tahun 1970-an hingga sekarang ini. Secara konsisten, para peneliti telah menemukan bukti-bukti bahwa ketika guru mampu menggunakan prosedur umpan balik yang efektif ternyata dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswanya. Bahkan, hasil studi yang dilakukan Bellon, Bellon, dan Blank menunjukkan bahwa dibandingkan dengan berbagai perilaku mengajar lainnya, pemberian umpan balik akademik ternyata lebih berkorelasi dengan prestasi belajar siswa. Dengan tanpa memandang kelas, status sosial ekonomi, ras, atau keadaan sekolah korelasi ini cenderung konsisten. Ketika umpan balik dan prosedur korektif digunakan secara tepat ternyata sebagian besar siswa dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajarnya hinggadiatas20%. .

Umpan balik yang efektif merupakan bagian integral dari sebuah dialog instruksional antara guru dengan siswa, siswa dengan siswa, maupun siswa dengan dirinya sendiri, dan bukanlah sebuah praktik yang terpisahkan.

Terkait dengan umpan balik yang efektif ini, Black dan Wiliam mencatat tiga komponen penting yaitu:

(1) Recognition of the desired goal.

Umpan balik diberikan sebagai respons atas kinerja siswa. Kinerja siswa adalah kesanggupan siswa untuk dapat menunjukkan penguasaannya atas berbagai tujuan pembelajarannya. Guru harus dapat merumuskan tujuan pembelajaran yang hendak dicapai secara jelas dan dapat mengkomunikasikannya pada awal pembelajaran, baik tentang wilayah materi, indikator kurikuler maupun penguasaan tujuan.

Salah satu metode yang cukup efektif untuk memastikan bahwa siswa memahami tujuan pembelajarannya yaitu dengan cara melibatkan mereka dalam menetapkan “kriteria keberhasilan” yang bisa dilihat atau didengar. Misalnya, guru dapat memperlihatkan beberapa contoh produk sebagai tujuan pembelajaran yang patut ditiru oleh para siswa, menunjukkan kalimat-kalimat yang benar dengan ditulis menggunakan huruf kapital, kesimpulan yang diambil dari data, penyajian tabel atau grafik dan sejenisnya.

Apabila para siswa telah dapat memahami tentang kriteria keberhasilan pembelajarannya, mereka akan terbantu untuk mengarahkan belajarnya dan mereka akan lebih mampu untuk melaksanakan proses pembelajarannnya

Selain memberikan pemahaman yang jelas tentang tujuan pembelajaran, guru juga perlu memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk memahami indikator dari tingkat penguasaan tujuan pembelajarannya, baik secara lisan, tertulis maupun dalam bentuk lainnya.

(2) Evidence about present position

Istilah ”bukti” di sini menunjuk kepada informasi atau fakta tentang kinerja yang berkaitan dengan tujuan pembelajaran, khusunya tentang sejauhmana tujuan pembelajaran telah tercapai dan sejauhmana tujuan pembelajaran itu belum tercapai.

Grant Wiggin mengemukakan bahwa umpan balik bukanlah tentang pemberian pujian atau celaan, persetujuan atau ketidaksetujuan, tetapi sebagai usaha untuk memberikan nilai atau makna. Umpan balik pada dasarnya bersifat netral yang menggambarkan apa yang telah dilakukan dan tidak dilakukan siswa. Selain itu, bahwa umpan balik juga harus bersifat obyektif, deskriptif dan disampaikan pada waktu yang tepat yakni pada saat tujuan pembelajaran masih segar dalam benak siswa.

Salah satu cara pemberian umpan balik yang cukup bermakna yaitu dengan membandingkan produk siswa dengan kriteria keberhasilan telah telah dikomunikasikan sebelumnya. Contoh sederhana pemberian umpan balik yaitu dengan membuat sebuah format tentang “Daftar Kriteria Keberhasilan”. Dalam daftar tersebut, guru dapat memberikan tanda + (plus) untuk menunjukkan tentang kriteria yang telah berhasil dipenuhi siswa dan memberikan catatan tertentu untuk yang belum dipenuhinya.

(3) Some understanding of a way to close the gap between the two.

Umpan balik yang efektif yaitu harus dapat memberikan bimbingan kepada setiap siswa tentang bagaimana melakukan perbaikan. Black dan Wiliam menegaskan bahwa setiap siswa harus diberi bantuan dan kesempatan untuk melakukan perbaikan. Guru tidak hanya memberikan umpan balik yang mencerminkan tentang kinerja yang berkaitan dengan tujuan pembelajaran siswanya, tetapi juga harus dapat memberikan strategi dan tips tentang cara yang lebih efektif untuk mencapai tujuan, serta kesempatan untuk menerapkan umpan balik yang diterimanya.

Wiggins meyakini bahwa melalui siklus umpan balik ini dapat menghasilkan keunggulan kinerja siswa. Oleh karena itu, siswa harus senantiasa memiliki akses rutin terhadap kriteria dan standar-standar tugas yang harus dituntaskannya; mereka juga harus memperoleh umpan balik dalam upaya menyelesaikan tugas-tugasnya, mereka harus memiliki kesempatan untuk memanfaatkan umpan balik untuk memperbaiki kerjanya serta mengevaluasi kembali terhadap standar

Sumber :

Diterjemahkan dari judul asli : Providing Students with Effective Feedback. Academic Leadership Jounal online Volume 4 – Issue 4 Feb 12, 2007


Who You Are Beautiful
Work: Huda M Elmatsani

Year is a jungle where the bush-planted roses semaknya kauganti
are the days flow like a river and flows with lenganlenganmu kauganti
are the nights wandering and you're the star that guided me
is a great time with the beat of your heart kauganti
then the trail becomes a wonderful place for memories I put myself.

 meaning .............

How wonderful when we are next to people we love ........ and that's when we feel a sense of sobriety ... when side.

tugas posting ke-2

Curriculum vitae

A curriculum vitae (CV, also spelled curriculum vitæ) provides an overview of a person's life and qualifications. The CV is typically the first item that a potential employer encounters regarding the job seeker and is typically used to screen applicants, often followed by an interview, when seeking employment.


Etymology and spellings

Curriculum vitae is a latin expression which can be loosely translated as [the] course of [my] life. In current usage, curriculum is less marked as a foreign loanword.
The plural of curriculum vitæ, in Latin, is formed following Latin rules of grammar as curricula vitæ (meaning "courses of life") or curricula vitarum (meaning "courses of lives")— not curriculum vita (which is grammatically incorrect). The form vitæ is the singular genitive of vita and is translated as "of life".
Nevertheless, in English, the plural of the full expression curriculum vitae is seldom used; the plural of curriculum on its own is usually written as "curriculums",[1] rather than the traditional curricula[2].
The purpose of the CV is to inform prospective employers of a job seeker's qualifications and experience for a position.
In the United Kingdom, a CV is short (usually a maximum of 2 sides of A4 paper), and therefore contains only a summary of the job seeker's employment history, qualifications and some personal information. It is often updated to change the emphasis of the information according to the particular position the job seeker is applying for.[3] Many CVs contain keywords that potential employers might pick up on and displays the content in the most flattering manner brushing over information like poor grades.[3] A CV can also be extended to include an extra page for the job seeker publications if these are important for the job.
In the United States and Canada, a CV is used specifically in academic circles and medical careers and is far more comprehensive; the term résumé is used for most recruitment campaigns. A CV elaborates on education to a greater degree than a résumé and is expected to include a comprehensive listing of professional history including every term of employment, academic credential, publication, contribution or significant achievement. In certain professions, it may even include samples of the person's work and may run to many pages.
In the European Union, there has been an attempt to develop a standardized CV format known as Europass (in 2004 by the European Parliament and European Commission) and promoted by the EU to ease skilled migration between member countries, although this is not widely used in most contexts. The Europass CV system is meant to be just as helpful to employers and education providers as it is to students and job seekers. It was designed to help them understand what people changing between the countries have to offer, whilst overcoming linguistic barriers. The Europass documents also provide recognition for non-accredited learning and work experience.
There are a few companies that prefer not to receive a CV at all in application, but rather produce their own application form which must be completed in applying for any position. Of those, some also allow applicants to attach a CV in support of the application. The reason some companies prefer to process applications this way is to standardize the information they receive, as there can be many variables within a CV. Therefore, the company often does not get all the information they require at the application stage.

tugas posting

Job Interview Letter
There are two simple steps you can take to make a lasting impression after your interview and greatly increase your odds of success.
The first is to call the interviewer to thank them for their time. If possible, you may want to add additional information which was not discussed in the interview. An example would be: "I understand from speaking with the receptionist that Microsoft Office is your corporate software standard. I just wanted to mention that I'm also fully proficient in each of the tools in the Office suite." This phone call should ideally take place the same day. If you are unable to reach the interviewer directly, leave a voicemail message.
The second activity is to immediately write the interviewer a short note, thanking them for their time and reemphasizing your interest in the position. Then do your best to get it to them as quickly as possible. E-mail it, fax it, hand deliver it, messenger it, use overnight mail, whatever. But be sure they have it before the end of the following day. Ideally, you want to get it in their hands by the end of the day of the interview or first thing the following morning. Why? Because the quicker your letter arrives, the greater the likelihood of affecting a positive impact.
Doesn't everyone follow up like this? Hardly. Virtually no one calls after an interview and few take the time to write a thank you letter. Those who do write letters generally send them via the postal service, which can arrive as much as a full week after the interview. The simple gestures of a phone call and thank you letter can make a big difference in separating you from your competition.
And if you interviewed with multiple individuals, make sure each thank you letter is unique. Common language is acceptable, but do not simply change the name at the top of the letter. Your application, resume, and other materials will likely be stored in a single file, usually in the possession of the person guiding you through the hiring process. Your thank you letters will eventually find their way back to this central file. Yes, we do compare notes. And what seemed to be a unique and original note can actually work against you if there are two or three duplicates collected together in your file. It has taken a great deal of effort to get this far. Take the extra time to make this final impression a positive one.

Rabu, 22 September 2010



12 cutting out triangles3 cloves garlic, finely chopped3 spring onions, finely chopped1 tsp coriander finely2-3 tablespoons brown sugar (if you like sweet, can be added)2 cm galangal, dimemarkan2 bay leaves800 ml of water (even better if the coconut water)2 seed acidSalt to tasteMethod:Mix knew, spices and water. Simmer until the water dries. And fry until the surface dried out somewhat. Serve with chili paste.Know who has spiced could also be stored in the refrigerator for one week, then fried if you want to be eaten aja. Practical deh!

Selasa, 17 Agustus 2010

Dawet is a type of beverage usually served in the form of drinks bersantan and add brown sugar. In some areas Dawet usually also called cendol. This is very typical type of beverage taste, and lots of interested persons, both enjoy in the summer and rain. Dawet usually made from basic ingredients corn starch or rice flour, but this time Dawet who created based on aloe vera. How does it feel? Aloe vera is a species of plant which contains most of the leaf pulp or meat-containing lymph nodes and eyes. While the outer leaves form a thick skin berklorofil.Secara quantitative protein found in aloe vera role in amounts small enough, but qualitatively rich in protein, aloe vera essential amino acids, especially leucine, lysine, valine and histidine. Beside rich in essential amino acids, aloe vera gel is also rich in glutamic acid and aspartic acid. Aloe vera vitamins soluble in fat, while also there kholin folic acid and small amounts (Morsy, 1991). The content of the nutrients contained in the gel (meat) Aloe vera is complete enough, among them, vitamins A, B, C, E, choline, inositol, and folic acid. While the mineral content of calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron, zinc, and chromium. Combined vitamin and mineral elements in plants act as natural antioxidants, among others, could prevent heart attacks and prevent premature aging with DNA damage caused by free radicals. Research at Hoshi University in Japan showed Aloe vera contains antioxidant compounds that can eliminate free radicals caused by radiation. Also aloe vera is also used to help launch the digestive tract, difficult defecation, cough, sore throat, diabetes mellitus boost the immune system, overcome the worms and heals wounds. Aloe vera is indeed famous for full benefits, ranging for health, such as materials for pharmaceuticals, cosmetic ingredients for beauty as well as raw material for the manufacture of food or beverage type snacks such as aloe vera Dawet. Want to know how processing of aloe vera into Dawet fresh? The following are the steps in making Dawet aloe vera. Material: • 5 pieces of aloe vera leaves • 150 cc water • 500 cc coconut milk • 250 g sugar Java • 2 pieces of pandan leaves. Tools: • Knives • Stove • Telenan • Pots • Containers basin How to Make: • Aloe vera leaves are peeled, the meat was taken, washed, and cut to pieces. • knead with warm water repeatedly until no mucus. • boiled in boiling water for 5 minutes, drain. • Water boiled with pandan leaves and sugar Java, and then filtered • Combine the coconut milk that has been boiled with sugar solution and aloe vera, then add ice cubes. Ice Dawet Aloe vera has been ready to serve.